Wishing You Happy & Healthy Holidays!
● Pork CSA memberships now available!
● Rupert the pig has found a new home.
Rupert 去猪天堂
Rupert Goes to Hog Heaven
在这里我们要先告诉你一个不好的消息,(Rupert 我门农场寄养的胖胖猪)不幸于近日因年老体衰逝世。Rupert
Rupert, our foster pig on the farm, passed away of old age recently. While we are going to miss him dearly, we are glad to remember the moments we had with him. He was a pig of great character; he would often greet us by sniffing our feet and could always eat treats in his sleep. Rupert was a popular attraction and a constant host on the farm for over 5 years. We will all miss him!
有机山黑猪肉-10个CSA会员资格的开放!Organic Pork—10 CSA memberships opening up!
你们是否还记得四年前我从内蒙古带回来的3头小黑猪。如今已繁殖大小黑猪50多头有棕色的、黑色的、还有花猪。其中有一头叫威猛的还健在如果会员感兴趣可以订购我们的有机猪肉我们可以同蔬菜一起送给你、我们可以接纳10位有机猪肉会员。 On another front, we have some good news! Remember the three little pigs that I found in Inner Mongolia almost 4 years ago? They have now multiplied to over 50 pigs; large and small; black, spotted and brown; and is making it possible for us to include weekly pork deliveries along with your Vegetable CSA basket. One of the original three, Wilma, is still alive and well on the farm. At the request of many members and customers at the cafe, we are finally ready to offer 10 memberships to our Happy Pigs' Pork CSA. 众所周知我们的猪饲养在活动空间极大的绿牛农庄里面它们只吃玉米及农场种植的有机蔬菜从不给猪打针吃药夏天它们在农场吃大量的野草及天然调味冬季我们把晒干的紫苏拌在饲料里给它们吃。农场有固定员工每天精心饲养它们它们生活的很快乐。这些猪同时受到动物保护协会的监督,阮林和阿什蕾布莱特每年至少来农场参观两次。我们的农场的有机猪是在自然的环境下生长的,每头猪至少要生长到18个月以后才能屠宰。而纯商业的猪饲养是靠吃大量的激素、抗生素以及限制其运动空间来加快其生长速度。所以大概6个月就能出栏?但是它们的肉为什么会瘦肉多呢?是因为它们在生长的过程中除了吃大量的抗生素和激素外!它们还要吃大量的盐酸克伦特罗(又叫瘦肉精)一种β2-受体激动剂,90年代初国外曾用于饲料添加剂,后因人的不良反应而被禁用.在饲料中掺入瘦肉精。猪食用后在代谢过程中促进蛋白质合成,加速脂肪的转化和分解,提高了猪肉的瘦肉率,因此称为瘦肉精。而我们的猪、瘦肉量也很高但是它们是通过一年多的大量运动而形成的,在肉的质量上两者截然不同。所以我们的自制肉肠肉质很瘦没有很多的油。 质量好的猪肉在口感上与其他猪肉有极大的不同我们的猪肉肉质好、肉味纯正、营养价值更高。 我们的猪在宰杀前要在兽医检查站经过严格的检查才能发放屠宰证明同时宰杀过的猪肉也要经过严格的检测发放合格证明,我们的员工将同时参与全部过程以保证宰杀与检测的是我们的猪,屠宰后的猪肉将由我们进行分割、加工、包装,其中一部分我们用于加工成自制肉肠及培根等。 Most of you already know that our pigs lead a pretty happy life on the farm. They are fed corn and the extra organic vegetables from the farm. We have never had to give our pigs any medication, instead we make sure that they get plenty of wild weeds and herbs and we even dry purple shiso for mixing into their | feed in winter. They have plenty of room to play and root for treats. They are raised with much care and dedication from our farm staff and consistent oversight from the WSPA (World Society for Protection of Animals) animal welfare program. Ron Lane and Ashleigh Bright from WSPA's FAI (Food & Animal Initiative) visit our farm at least three times a year. Our pigs are raised for at least 18 months before they are mature enough to be harvested. Commercial pigs are raised under 6 months and rely on growth hormornes, antibiotics, and restricted movement and space to speed up their growth. Our pigs are naturally in shape and you will find that there's a higher ratio of lean meat to fat. In fact that's why our sausages ar so lean. We just don't have enough fat to make them juicier. The commerical pork and beef relies on a drug called Clenbuterol (a drug to slim down the pigs before slaughter so that there is more lean meat to fat.) Click here to see this article: Pig Progress. That is why there is a marked difference in the taste and quality of the meat. You will find that our pork has better texture, natural pork flavour, and higher nutrition value. Before a pig gets turned into pork our our farm a vet from the local vet station inspects the pig to confirm that it's healthy and then issues a permit for the pig to be slaughter. Our staff oversee the slaughter and make certain it's our pork before bringing it back to our factory for packaging and processing into ham, sausages, bacon and lard for pies. 您将通过email了解到更多的猪肉会员消息。欢迎来我们农场参观,以便更深入了解我们的有机猪是如何快乐的生活和品尝到我们上等的猪肉对你们是何等的重要! You will find more information about our Happy Pigs' Pork CSA in a separate email. Please come and visit the farm and see why our pigs are so much happier and why our pork is so much better for you. 致以节日的问候 Happy Holidays ! 礼贞 单恩及农场全体员工 Lejen, Shanen and the Green Cow Farm Staff 2012年12月28日 点击这里查看这篇文章:猪进展 |